The ‘Life with Autism’ conference presented a big topic, urgent even in the context of this year
Today, experts from all over the country from the field of health care, education and social work connected online at a conference entitled ‘Life with Autism’. Their contributions are published on the YouTube channel of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (which is also the organizer of the event). This was the 2nd year of the professional conference, which last April brought more than two hundred spectators to our faculty. This year, its original date was also set for April 2, which is World Autism Understanding Day, but at that time, schools were closed due to the coronavirus pandemic and similar events could not take place.
That is why the organizers chose December 11, which is World Childhood Day, as a substitute. On that day in 1946, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) was established by a resolution of the UN General Assembly. In the end, the event had to take place remotely online, but the topic is so important that the participants did not want to lose the opportunity to exchange new knowledge and experience. Especially this year, which has been a huge strain for families of children with autism spectrum disorders (PAS). During the pandemic, they have been in isolation for a long period without the opportunity to take a break, even for a while, at least by using some kind of day-care. Therefore, another goal of the event was to acquaint the general public with this issue and to show examples of good practice that can help or encourage parents.
In the introduction, the participants were welcomed by the Dean of ZSF, JU Mgr. Ivana Chloubová, Ph.D., who took over the auspices of the event. She thanked the organizers for holding the conference in this way — when the situation no longer allowed face-to-face meetings. She said: "Our faculty prepares students for helping professions which deal with both healthy people and those with disabilities. I believe that the messages set up here will enrich our students and colleagues." Then three contributions were presented: Support for the family system in the care of a child with neurodevelopmental disorder (including autism spectrum disorder), Early development and autism spectrum disorder, and Determining the zone of proximal development. The conference fulfilled its purpose as it provided an opportunity to present research innovations, information on social services, and practical experience. Mgr. Ingrid Baloun, Ph.D. Doc, said: "No one in our country is organizing such an event that discusses the topic of autism in a broader context. That is why we started with that.". PhDr. Adéla Mojžíšová, Ph.D., director of the Institute of Social and Special Education Sciences of FHSS USB, the guarantor of the conference, thanked all participants who care for this target group or educate experts in this field. "I look forward to meeting next year and I believe that we will be able to meet in person, because the subsequent discussion and sharing of information will further enrich the conference," she concluded.
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