The conference on multidisciplinary cooperation in non-medical healthcare disciplines provided an opportunity to present research projects of our faculty
At a conference held on Wednesday, December 9, the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of the University of South Bohemia was strongly represented — it had the highest number of contributions of all participating institutions. The topic was Multidisciplinary Cooperation in Non-Medical Healthcare Disciplines. The Faculty of Health Studies of the Technical University of Liberec organized it, and due to the circumstances it had to be held online. However, unlike most of this year's events of this kind, it allowed participants to discuss contributions. There were 57 papers, ten of which were from our faculty. Everyone had to follow the set rules in their performance, especially the time limit for one contribution, which could not exceed 10 minutes. This is a relatively short time for experts to mention everything important from their research whilst still making the speech sound interesting. The event was summed up by prof. PhDr. Valérie Tóthová, Ph.D., the Vice-Dean for Science and Research and the Director of the Institute of Nursing, Midwifery and Urgent Care. She said: "I am proud of all the speakers. It was amazing to listen to the quality of the contributions from our faculty. We are currently solving eight research projects at our institute, so there is material to present. That is why our representation was so strong and the individual contributions received a very good response from other participating colleagues. This year, it was the only conference in our field with some space for discussion."
She appreciated that the organizers accepted her initiative and prepared this meeting interactively. The individual sections were led by experts who are familiar with the issue, it was possible to ask questions through chat and there was always some space for discussion and self-expression of the author. Thanks to this, it was possible to preserve know-how without it being accessed by anyone outside the conference. High quality research data are a great asset of the faculty. FHSS USB has had good long-term cooperation with the Faculty of Health Studies of the Technical University of Liberec. "That is why we wanted to support their event with such a strong representation. We have things to present. In addition, participation in these events helps our younger colleagues gain valuable experience and grow professionally," said prof. Tóthová.
The Dean of our faculty, Mgr. Ivana Chloubová, Ph.D., was very pleased. "Our colleagues represented our faculty exemplarily in this event. Even during this challenging time, which does not favour personal meetings, they have shown that excellent research results can be presented in a virtual and professional form even in virtual environment," she said.
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