Two traineeship opportunities at Nepal Káthmándú University in Dhulikhel
Representatives of the Faculty of Health and Social Studies (FHSS USB) have made a historic first visit to Nepal and established valuable contacts
A traineeship at Nepal Káthmándú University in Dhulikhel, which is about 30 kilometres from the centre of Káthmándú, will be offered to two students who are on the nursing study program this year. The university is establishing a co-operation involving its medical study programmes. The Vice Dean of Foreign Affairs, FHSS USB doc. RNDR. Miroslav Šíp, DrSc., visited Nepal with a representative of the Department of Social Work, Mgr. Dagmar Dvořáčková, Ph.D., in August and September. He said: “We had an opportunity to visit the university hospital in Dhulikhel, and we can confirm that it is very well equipped considering local conditions. It is approaching European standards.”
The journey was realised following an FHSS (USB) development plan about cooperating with foreign countries, and was approved last year. Unfortunately, due to a devastating earthquake in Nepal this spring, our representative’s stay was altered.
The main purpose of the trip was to visit two universities. The first was Káthmándú University in Dhulikhel, which has already signed a memorandum agreeing to cooperate with the FHSS (USB). This week they confirmed that they will admit two of our students. The second university is Tribhuvan University, which is situated in the centre of Káthmándú. This school has shown an interest in co-operating with our faculty, but the first internship cannot be realised until next year. It will be open to students of both of the social study programmes taught at the FHSS (USB).
According to doc. Šíp, students who stay there will experience the famous nature, sights and spiritual wealth,of the Himalayas. It will be a great school of life for students and will broaden their perspectives. The opportunity to work in a private local teaching hospital will also be very useful for them. The faculty will announce a competition offering two applicants a place as soon as possible. One important prerequisite is of course knowledge of English.
In Káthmándú, the FHSS (USB) representatives were received by the Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic, Mr Vishnu Kumar Agarwal, who has helped by using his contacts at both the university and the mediating offices for studying abroad. The originally planned co-operation with a non-profit organization that we hope will provide an internship for social work students remains at a theoretical level. This will be an internship in the southeast of Nepal, and could not be visited personally by doc. Šíp and Dr. Dvořáčková due to time and organizational restraints. However, we are exploring the possibility of a professional internship in those regions so we can send students of the faculty there. There has already been some success in the fact that valuable contact has been established, which can be deepened in the future. Dr. Dvořáčková concluded: “Nepal is among the poorest countries in the world. People here are very friendly, modest and glad of attention and help. Our visit to Nepal did not last long, but thanks to the people I met there it has been engraved in my heart forever, and I will be glad to return. More than anywhere else, a person will understand a sense of life there, and I believe that if a person has a gift that can help people, this gift takes on a whole new dimension there.”
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