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Vice-Dean Ondřej Doskočil also works as a hospital chaplain - this topic caught the attention of the media before the holidays

News (19.12.2020)

Vice-Dean Ondřej Doskočil also works as a hospital chaplain - this topic caught the attention of the media before the holidays

Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs at FHSS USB Mgr. Ondřej Doskočil, Th.D., also works as a hospital chaplain at the Hospital of České Budějovice, a.s., and is a Catholic deacon. These activities became the subject of interest of various media outlets before the Christmas holidays and even on New Year's Eve. During the period of the covid-19 pandemic, all forms of assistance to people in need are especially relevant, including spiritual care and spiritual accompaniment of patients, their loved ones and medical staff. The vice-dean shares his experience from his field work with students of our faculty, especially in his ethics classes. Ondřej Doskočil has given interviews about his work in the hospital and in the church to Czech Television (a programme called “Události v regionech”- Events in the Regions), Deník, Český rozhlas, and Radio Proglas. A long article was also published in the November issue of the Hospital Newsletter. Český rozhlas České Budějovice broadcast a balanced interview with Vice-Dean Doskočil on New Year's Eve.

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