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Proceedings for Promotion to Professor and Habilitation Proceedings

Proceedings for Promotion to Professor and Habilitation Proceedings

Faculty of Health and Social Studies shall execute authority in habilitation procedures in the field of Nursing and Health and Social Care and appointment to Professor in the field of Nursing.

Announcement about Habilitation proceedings and Professor Appointment 

Professor Appointment procedure at the Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Field : Nursing

Data Publication in accordance with § 75  Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts in year 2020 

NameWorkplaceFieldBeginning of ProcedureEnd of Procedure


Habilitation proceedings at the Faculty of Health and Social Studies


             Health and Social Care

Data Publication in accordance with § 75  Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts in year 2020 

NameWorkplaceFieldBeginning of ProcedureEnd of Procedure