Institute of Physiotherapy and Selected Medical Disciplines
The Institute of Physiotherapy and Selected Medical Disciplines is focused primarily on teaching and training physiotherapy specialists. However, it also provides lessons of the courses across the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of the University of South Bohemia, where an emphasis is placed not only on medical expertise in clinical disciplines but also on the principles of multidisciplilnarity and the finding of intersections in various sectors. The Institute’s academic staff closely cooperates with the clinical departments of the České Budějovice Hospital (Nemocnice České Budějovice, a. s. ) and with other specialized healthcare and social facilities. This is done not only for the purpose of the students’ practical training, but as a direct demonstration of the interdisciplinary cooperation in education, science and research. The focus of the Institute places high demands on preparation and therefore works with a number of highly respected practitioners.
The specialized focus of the Institute can be divided into two parts. The core part is the academic staff in the field of physiotherapy, which is the main branch of the Institute. The second part consists of specialists, who enter into other courses at the FHSS. Particular importance is given to engaging in research projects in the CPD database and publishing activities, including the creation of e-learning.
The basis for the work of the Institute is the possibility of using the Centre of Physiotherapy at the FHSS, which has been in operation since 2014. The Centre serves both for the practical training of students as well as for the general public as a standard non-state healthcare facility. From the beginning of their studies, the students can observe the practical part of the lessons and later become actively involved in them under the guidance of top professionals. In addition to the actual physiotherapy, they have the opportunity to practice all aspects of comprehensive client care. Students and academics can thus acquire a range of valuable data for their bachelor’s and scientific works. With the opportunity to take advantage of this Centre, and the other experiences from partner clinical physiotherapeutic centres, students have the chance to find out how they can be profiled in their field after graduation. Greater insight and scope of knowledge are also offered through foreign traineeships at partner universities, where the students travel through the Socrates/Erasmus project.